Yield and treatment data for the historic Morrow Plots at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign from 1888–2021.
A dataframe containing and 3216 rows with the following 26 variables:
- phase
An integer between 1-5 that describes the important stages of the experiment when plot size, crop rotation or treatments changed.
- year
Date in YYYY format for year crops were planted and harvested.
- plot
Character string that indicates the plot number, North/South location, and A/B/C/D subplot (see Data Sources section above for an important note about plot names); values are 3NA; 3NB; 3NC; 3ND; 3SA; 3SB; 3SC; 3SD; 4NA; 4NB; 4NC; 4ND; 4SA; 4SB; 4SC; 4SD; 5NA; 5NB; 5NC; 5ND; 5SA; 5SB; 5SC; 5SD
- plot_num
Integer of 3, 4, or 5 for the plot number without subplot indicators.
- plot_dir
Character string that indicates the north/south and east/west direction; values are NE, NW, SE, or SW.
- rotation
An integer of 1, 2, or 3 that describes the year in the crop rotation schedule.
- corn
A true or false variable to make it easy to group corn in rotation and continuous corn.
- crop
Character string that for the crop planted with separate values for corn in rotation and continuous corn; values are A (alfalfa), C (corn), CC (continuous corn), H (hay), O (oats), or S (soybean).
- variety
Character string with free text of the crop variety name.
- all_corn
A true or false variable indicating whether this was a year when corn was planted in all plots.
- yield_bush
Integer value of yeilds for all crops except hay in bushels/acre.
- yield_ton
Integer value of yeild of hay in tons/acre.
- treated
A true or false variable indicating whether or not this plot was treated that year.
- treatment
Character string that describes the treatment plan for this plot; values are none, MLrP, MLbP, 0LNsPK, MLrPNsPK, LNPK, LHNPK, or MLP.
- manure
An integer for the specific amount of manure applied to this plot this year in lbs/plot.
- lime
An integer for the specific amount of lime applied to this plot this year in tons/acre
- nit
An integer for the specific amount of nitrogen applied to this plot this year in lbs/acre.
- p205
An integer for the specific amount of phosphorus (on an oxide basis) applied to this plot this year in lbs/acre.
- k20
An integer for the specific amount of potassium (on an oxide basis) applied to this plot this year in lbs/acre.
- stover
An integer for the amount of stover or straw removed in tons/acre.
- population
An integer for the number of plants based on counts from hand harvesting in plants/acre.
- plant_date
Date the crop was planted in MM/DD/YYYY format.
- plant_day
An integer that indicates the nth day in the year that the crop was planted.
- soil_sample
A true or false variable that indicates whether there is at least one soil sample for this plot and year.
- damage
Character string with free text describing known sources of significant damage to crops that year.
- notes
Character string with free text for any notes that do not fit in other fields.